Disaster Smart Partner FLASH Discusses Community Preparedness in Informative Podcast

Partially Submerged Traffic Sign

Disaster Smart collaborates with companies that develop standards and evolve to assist people in protecting not only their assets, but also their overall well-being. Hurricane Andrew, a destructive Category 5 Atlantic hurricane that hit the Bahamas, Florida, and Louisiana in August 1992, exposed severe flaws in critical community functions, prompting the modernization of how our […]

How Top Client Orchid, Manages An Industry Impacted By Natural Catastrophes

a woman points to a white board in a room of office personnel sitting at a table with laptops in front of them as they look at her

Disaster Smart Client  & Award-Winning MGA (managing general agent), Orchid, Details How to Persevere in a Challenging Industry.     Due to the increased frequency & severity of catastrophic events, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, wild fires, and floods , providers of personal property insurance find themselves facing an increased number of obstacles in a time […]

Supporting the 2022 National Disaster Resilience Conference (NDRC22)

National Disaster Resilience Logo with the date November seventh thru tenth, 2022 in Clearwater Beach, FL

2022 National Disaster Resilience Conference (NDRC22) Presented by the nonprofit Federal Alliance for Safe Homes (FLASH) Partnership   National Disaster Resilience Conference – the premier conference for peer-to-peer networking and knowledge sharing for disaster resilience leaders.  Who’s Who at NDRC? Every year, the NDRC brings together a strong array of leaders, including presenters and attendees […]

Alabama Condos Recognized with Highest Resiliency Certification by IBHS

“With over 7,000 FORTIFIED homes in Alabama and now the first-ever FORTIFIED Commercial-Hurricane Gold designation is also earned in Alabama.” The Colonial Inn Condominiums have earned the first-ever FORTIFIED Commercial–Hurricane Gold designation in the U.S. By Symone Garvett In order to improve resiliency for a new coastal Alabama complex, developers of the Colonial Inn Condominiums […]

Travelers Fortifies Communities

“Travelers Insurance joined forces with Habitat for Humanity and Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety (IBHS) to build affordable, wind-resistant, FORTIFIED homes in coastal regions of the country.  Read this article to better understand the few important changes they made while only adding four to five percent, on average, to the total construction coast.” […]

Renovations for a more hurricane-resistant home

“Here is another news story by our local station, NBC 15, on how to strengthen existing homes to FORTIFIED standard.  This is something every homeowner should look into as it also saves money on your homeowners insurance policy.”  For more details ….

What Insurance Agents Wish You Knew About Keeping Your Home Safe

“Experts suggest completing a few key maintenance tasks, such as ensuring your smoke alarms are working and installing an automatic water shut-off device.  This U.S. News & World Report article will share some items about keeping your home safe!” Click here to read the full article

Houses intact after Hurricane Michael were often saved by low-cost reinforcements

Five Habitat For Humanity houses, center, stood firm during Hurricane Michael even as an adjacent trailer park saw heavy damage. (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) By Patricia Sullivan , Frances Stead Sellers and Emily Wax-Thibodeaux October 17 at 8:19 PM “Here is an excellent example of what FORTIFIED can do for you and your home.  […]

Hurricane Michael May Have Exposed Weak Spot in Florida’s Tough Building Code

By Associated Press 24 hours ago As people are beginning to rebuild in Mexico Beach, and along the Florida Panhandle, we strongly encourage them to look at the FORTIFIED program.  If you have any questions please call us at 1-888-964-8776. At a Glance Hurricane Michael may have exposed a weak spot in Florida’s tough building […]