Disaster Smart Inspections Earns Recognition for Building Stronger, Safer Communities

      As hurricane season ramps up, Disaster Smart Inspections is proud to announce being named a recipient of the prestigious FORTIFIED Crystal Award by the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS). This recognition highlights our dedication to empowering homeowners with the knowledge and resources needed to fortify their homes against the […]

Florida Homeowners Question Preparedness After Rare, Eye-opening Earthquake!

Image of seismic activity earthquake next to Florida map overlap on the state

Florida, long associated with sunshine and sandy beaches, experienced a rare seismic rumble on Thursday, February 8th, 2024. A 4.0 magnitude earthquake struck about 101 miles off the coast of Cape Canaveral, sending tremors across the state and stirring conversations about earthquake preparedness and insurance coverage. While no significant damage was reported, the event has […]

Florida’s Property Insurance Crisis and You

Insurance Agent Woman's hand stacking wooden blocks on a tower with house model

  Florida, like many coastal states, is facing a major property insurance crisis. In recent years, several factors have led to skyrocketing insurance rates and an exodus of insurers from the state. This has left many homeowners in a difficult position, struggling to find affordable coverage. One of the main drivers of the crisis is […]

Texas Law Firm Fined $2 Million for Insurance Fraud in Louisiana

Image of file folders with the first folder labled Fraud in red print, followed by a folder entitled investigations in black print

  In a recent press release, Louisiana Insurance Commissioner Jim Donelon announced on May 1st, 2023, that he had fined Texas law firm McClenney Moseley & Associates (MMA) $2 million for engaging in unfair trade practices and insurance fraud. The fine is the largest ever issued by the Louisiana Department of Insurance (LDI). The LDI’s […]

Disaster Smart Consulting earned an 8th Annual FORTIFIED Volume Award!

2022 Fortified Award Winner Logo

    On Monday, May 1, 2023  the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS) hosted the 8th Annual FORTIFIED Awards in Daphne, AL. In the morning, IBHS celebrated 50,000 FORTIFIED designations at an event alongside local leaders and FORTIFIED service providers, which demonstrated how entire communities are becoming more resilient. Then, in the evening […]

Forbes Releases List of Most Disaster-Prone Counties in the United States

2 homes destroyed by storms

In a recent Forbes Advisor publication, a list of the most disaster-prone counties in the United States was released. This list was compiled based on several factors, including the city’s history of natural disasters, its proximity to fault lines and other hazards, as well as its population density, using data from the National Oceanic and […]

Impact Glass: What it is, How to Identify It, & How It Can Help You

image of living room with view of the sea out of centered window

Living on the coast has many advantages, spectacular views, a variety of outdoor activities, and high-value properties just to name a few, but every coin has 2-sides, and one of the major disadvantages is the frequency and sometimes unpredictability of tropical storms and hurricanes. With the ever-present threat of severe weather, the question of “how […]

What is This …and Other Questions About the FORTIFIED™ Program?

Image of the Fortified Logo with a question mark on a brick background

    We get a lot of questions from new and existing homeowners concerning the FORTIFIED™ program, so we’d like to take a moment and answer the most common ones:   What is a Fortified™ home? A FORTIFIED™ home is one that utilizes uniform building methods designed to improve & strengthen new and existing homes […]

Is it Time to Reroof? 12 Signs That a Replacement May be in Your Future

image of roof of a modern house showing trees in the background and sky

    If you’ve ever had a child throw a ball on your house, or grabbed the ladder to clean your gutters, then chances are, you’ve taken a glance at an often forgotten but critically essential part of your home—the roof. While you were up there, did you think about the shingles that might be […]

Are Your State’s Building Codes Up to Par? Probably Not!

Image of United states with Washington, California, Montana, Utah, New Mexico, Kentucky, New Hampshire, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Virginia, Maryland, South Carolia & Florida showing in the color green to indicate a higher resistance (75.0-100% score) to disasters. Nevada, Colorado, North Dakota, Texas, Iowa, Alabama, Maine, & Delaware are showing in the color gray to indicate a moderate resistance to disaster (25.0-74.9 % score) and the remaining states in red indicating a low resistance to disaster (0-24.9% score)..

Building codes establish the minimum construction standards necessary to ensure the safety of those who live, work, and exist inside of a property. In a recent Scientific American article titled “Most States Are Failing on Building Codes, FEMA Says.” Author Thomas Frank stated that 39 states received the lowest score that the agency could give […]

What It Means and How To Be Disaster Smart

House destroyed off it's stilts with beach with the ocean washing on what was once a 3 story home

  The coastal areas that we service are home to some of the most beautiful locations for properties…from Pensacola, FL & Orange Beach, AL with their beautiful white sugar sandy beaches, Coastal Louisiana with its eclectic culture, gorgeous bayous & rich history, all the way to South Carolina with its beautiful mountain ranges, Spanish moss […]