Disaster Smart Inspections Earns Recognition for Building Stronger, Safer Communities

      As hurricane season ramps up, Disaster Smart Inspections is proud to announce being named a recipient of the prestigious FORTIFIED Crystal Award by the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS). This recognition highlights our dedication to empowering homeowners with the knowledge and resources needed to fortify their homes against the […]

Strengthen Your Home Insurance: Why Inspections Matter for Homeowners

Aerial view of the red roof tile roof of a home, there is a black SUV in the foreground

Imagine this unsettling scenario: you receive a letter from your insurance company informing you that your home insurance is being canceled. The reason? According to satellite imagery, your roof appears damaged.  The frustrating part? The satellite image is simply wrong.     This is a growing concern for homeowners across the country. Insurance companies are increasingly […]

Florida Homeowners Question Preparedness After Rare, Eye-opening Earthquake!

Image of seismic activity earthquake next to Florida map overlap on the state

Florida, long associated with sunshine and sandy beaches, experienced a rare seismic rumble on Thursday, February 8th, 2024. A 4.0 magnitude earthquake struck about 101 miles off the coast of Cape Canaveral, sending tremors across the state and stirring conversations about earthquake preparedness and insurance coverage. While no significant damage was reported, the event has […]

Florida’s Property Insurance Crisis and You

Insurance Agent Woman's hand stacking wooden blocks on a tower with house model

  Florida, like many coastal states, is facing a major property insurance crisis. In recent years, several factors have led to skyrocketing insurance rates and an exodus of insurers from the state. This has left many homeowners in a difficult position, struggling to find affordable coverage. One of the main drivers of the crisis is […]

Wind Mitigation Inspections: Protect Your Home from Wind Damage

fallen palm tree on the roof of a house

        Homeowners in coastal areas are at risk of wind damage from hurricanes, tornadoes, and other severe storms. A wind mitigation inspection can help you identify potential risks to your home and make recommendations for improvements that can help protect it from wind damage.   What is a wind mitigation inspection? A […]

The Importance of Choosing the Right Roofer

male & female standing in room with a hole in the ceiling, staring at the hole, the man is holding a clipboard

  Your roof—It’s the first line of defense from the elements, it helps to keep your home cool in the summer and warm in the winter and adds to the overall curb appeal of your property. If it fails for any reason, then you could be facing costly repairs, loss of property, and in some […]

Property Risk Assessments: Then, Now, and the Future

image of a hand stopping the risk of blocks falling on a tiny model house

Living on the coast comes with a unique set of ups and downs. On the one hand, you have unbelievable views and quick access to any water-based activity that you can imagine. However, on the other hand, those vista views and all the hydro-centric fun comes at a price, the costliest being the threat and […]

Texas Law Firm Fined $2 Million for Insurance Fraud in Louisiana

Image of file folders with the first folder labled Fraud in red print, followed by a folder entitled investigations in black print

  In a recent press release, Louisiana Insurance Commissioner Jim Donelon announced on May 1st, 2023, that he had fined Texas law firm McClenney Moseley & Associates (MMA) $2 million for engaging in unfair trade practices and insurance fraud. The fine is the largest ever issued by the Louisiana Department of Insurance (LDI). The LDI’s […]

Forbes Releases List of Most Disaster-Prone Counties in the United States

2 homes destroyed by storms

In a recent Forbes Advisor publication, a list of the most disaster-prone counties in the United States was released. This list was compiled based on several factors, including the city’s history of natural disasters, its proximity to fault lines and other hazards, as well as its population density, using data from the National Oceanic and […]

Spring Storms Can Mean Devastation for Non-FORTIFIED™ Property

Interior image of home damaged from hurricane Michael in Panama City, FL with no roof.

In the Coastal US, Spring is not only a time for warm weather and beautiful flowers, but heavy storms, that can produce tornadoes and hurricanes.  Tornadoes and hurricanes are two of the most destructive natural disasters in the world. They can cause widespread damage to homes, businesses, and infrastructure. Properties that are not built to […]

Wind & Flood: How to Prepare for the Worst

image of tornado approaching cars on a flooded road

    Per NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, “Damage from severe thunderstorm winds account for half of all severe reports in the lower 48 states and is more common than damage from tornadoes.” Whether you live on the coast or anywhere where it rains, you can be impacted by heavy winds and flooding. […]